Bio-Feedback, a revolutionary possibility of healing

“Mindfulness frees us from forgetfulness and scattering and makes it possible to fully live every minute of life. Mindfulness allows us to live. The most precious gift we can give to others is our presence. When our mindfulness embraces those we love, they bloom like flowers." Thich Nhat Hanh.…

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What if there was a word that integrated "feel" and "think"? It is a unique event in existence; It is as if we were suddenly freed from heavy chains that are always felt but are invisible. During my career as an artist and designer I noticed a need to express the moment when my mind and my…

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Listening to your heart with a stethoscope step by step

"The heart, with its sound, knocks on the doors of the spirit." Hunab Amaya. At Soul Sync we created a term called "Beat Healing" which consists of living a process of deep self-awareness through the sound of our own heart. For this we use stethoscopes, very simple technology devices that allow us to clearly hear our…

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Cymatics - Fractal Geometry

An opportunity to link geometry with mental health. The Internet is flooded with music and audios tuned to specific frequencies focused on different purposes. If you are looking for music for concentration, there will be an endless number of videos at 432 Hz, 417 Hz, 538 Hz etc. But what do these frequencies mean? Do they really work? Let's start by defining ...

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Interoception - The Road to Self-Discovery

"Educate the mind, without educating the heart, is not educating at all" Aristotle. That something "beats" us, or to feel that we have a "gut feeling" are expressions that refer to a sense of intuition, which has caught the attention of neurosciences in recent years. Indeed, it seems that the heart really has something ...

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Neuroscience and Innovation Books FOR FREE

Ricardo Perret is one of the researchers with the greatest dedication in the field of innovation, who devoted his professional life to finding the "why" of human behavior before products that companies offer. This is how one of the most important innovation and neuroscience companies in Latin America began. Here we leave you one of ...

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Secrets of the heart/brain relationship

Have you ever heard your own heart? It may be that this very common phrase has a much more "measurable" meaning than we thought. And we have met with a great Neuroscience conference in which the relationship between the heart and the brain is explained. Soul Sync ...

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Transpersonal Psychology - Interview

If you have heard about Carl Jung you will know that it marked a radical change in the studies that until the 19th century had been carried out in psychology. A change that involved the inclusion of the spirit in the totality of the human being, as part of its existence and essential to achieve health and fulfillment ...

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