Cymatics - Fractal Geometry
An opportunity to link geometry with mental health.
The Internet is flooded with music and audios tuned to specific frequencies focused on different purposes. If you are looking for music for concentration, there will be an endless number of videos at 432 Hz, 417 Hz, 538 Hz etc. But, What do these frequencies mean? Do they really work?
Let's start by defining what a frequency is ...
In physics, a frequency is the speed at which an object vibrates, or more simply, a string. 1 Hz (a Hertz) is when in 1 second 1 vibration occurs in total, which is a complete oscillatory movement of the said string, as it appears in the following image.
In short, if in a second a string (or any resonant object) vibrates 500 times in full oscillations, then it is at a frequency of 500 hertz.
What is cymatics?
It is a branch of acoustic sciences in which patterns generated by sound frequencies are studied in liquids. Some examples are Chladni plates or the Tibetan bowls with water.
Inspired by the above, it was created in 2002 CymaScope, a wonderful device in which you could to photograph patterns arising in liquid containers. In this way, a thorough investigation was started on the origin of geometry of frequencies and their possible relationship with man.
Here is a video of the 12 musical notes recorded with the CymaScope:
Also, the Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson of the Neuro-acoustic Research Center He has dedicated his career to studying how vibrations affect brain wave patterns (read his work here in English).
In his work, it was concluded that each patient needs to be subjected to different frequencies, according to their physiology and discomfort. That is why for each person there is a particular tone according to their need.
What does Cymatics have to do with all this?
It is believed that the patterns studied by the CymaScope and the Chladni plates are a molecular or cellular archetype that can harmonize different systems in nature. That includes our regenerative cells and our brain synaptic processes.
Not for nothing, during increased consciousness experiences (power plants, near-death experiences or hallucinations), practitioners experience seeing fractal figures and geometric patterns of extreme beauty. It is as if these patterns were a means to understand more deeply the elementary blocks that construct reality.
A very interesting case is also that of the researcher Masaru Emoto, who despite his controversial studies, stated that words, prayers, sounds and thoughts directed towards a volume of water they would influence on the shape of the ice crystals obtained from it. So he began to photograph the crystallization of water empirically.
Thus, the hexagonal, pentagonal and octagonal patterns seem to appear at specific frequencies and intensions.
At Soul Sync we know that music is a powerful factor that helps the process of interpreting reality, according to the message and emotion that it transmits. We are confident that during the following years, significant advances in neuro-acoustics will be achieved. This way we will be able to understand in depth the true influence of the frequencies in the living beings and to be able to implement them in therapies to potentiate the healing.
In Soul Sync we have dedicated ourselves to filter the patterns of cymatics by frequencies and apply them in the music we use in all our experiences, in such a way that it amplifies the physical and mental effect in them.
We invite you to know our experiences clicking here.
🧿 Artist • Human • Cosmic Voyager 🧿
I am Amaya, a Sound & Visual Artist on a mission to serve life in harmony and to support the growth of collective consciousness with my art.
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Magnificent very interesting article. Greetings.